
Camelcaseisthepracticeofwritingphraseswithoutspacesorpunctuationandwithcapitalizedwords.Theformatindicatesthefirstwordstartingwith ...Snakecase·Namingconvention·Titlecase,Thiswascausedbyaspecificsniffassumingtherewouldbeaspacebetweentheclassnameandtheopeningbrace,whichisobviouslynotthe ...,WhenusingtheCakePHPstandard,phpcscomplainsthatmyactionnamesareunderscoredratherthancamelCased.,

Camel case

Camel case is the practice of writing phrases without spaces or punctuation and with capitalized words. The format indicates the first word starting with ... Snake case · Naming convention · Title case

Class name is not in camel caps format · Issue #663

This was caused by a specific sniff assuming there would be a space between the class name and the opening brace, which is obviously not the ...

Method name MyController:

When using the CakePHP standard, phpcs complains that my action names are underscored rather than camelCased.


<?php. /**. * * 70 | ERROR | Public method name notUsed_Call is not in camel caps format. **/. class CamelCase {.

camel caps format

Camel caps could mean camel case where the first letter is also a capital letter, which would mean your method should be named TimeSlotController:: ...

Exclude CamelCase validation in phpcs

... name of tests 16 | ERROR | Method name RegistrationTest::can_register is not in camel caps format 16 | ERROR | Visibility must be declared on method c.

How to fix warnings errors raised by the Magento Marketplace ...

Variable -your_variable- is not in valid camel caps format. Every ... Every variable must use the camel caps format, so $your_variable should be ...

Variable _id is not in valid camel caps format in an abstract class

Description: ------------ Using the Zend standard, phpcs complains that a property named $_id (or any other property whose name begins with ...

PHPMD and PHPCS Camelcase for Tests

I get 2 warnings that I would like to remove for all my project: phpcs: public method name MyTests::my_test_that_should_pass is not in camel ...

PHP Code Sniffer and camel caps

Variable connect_error is not in valid camel caps format. I have chosen to use the Zend standard as it shows a lot of points for cleaning ...